In DELTA, we are all aware of our responsibility towards you and your children and to our own children. We implement an extensive visionary and strategic Corporate Social Responsibility plan in a coherent and consistent manner. This plan is grounded on four principles: support for the Greek economy, quality and safety of our products, protection of the environment and development of our human resources.
At the same time, we continue with our social activities and contribute to covering fundamental daily needs for all members of society. This is how we become a part of your daily life, while at the same time making a contribution to the sustainable development of our wider society and country.

We support the Greek economy
With more than 1,200 employees, 2,500 associates and over 30,000 sales points for our products throughout Greece, DELTA is an active contributor to our country’s employment. For over 65 years, DELTA has been supporting the Greek primary production sector. Being fond of what we do, we are the biggest buyer of cow’s milk from Greek farmers and we collaborate with about 1,300 Greek farmers from Thrace to Peloponnese, building relationships of mutual trust and maintaining long collaborations with them. For over 60 years, DELTA has supported Greek producers and contributed to the sustainable development of dairy farming in our country. Since 2012, we have been implementing the GAIA Project, the aim of which is to utilise Greek land resources for the production of animal feed. At the same time, we also use the GAIA Project jointly with University institutions and other scientific organisations, to organise training programmes for farmers and to advise them on farm management and animal feeding.You can find out more information on the GAIA programme by visiting the website at: http://gaiaproject.vivartia.com/

We guarantee quality and safe products
The quality and safety of our products are non-negotiable. In this framework, we apply an advanced Quality Management System for all our products, applying and maintaining the strictest rules and requirements regarding the selection of raw materials and our equipment, facilities, production and quality, and distribution control, according to the provisions of European and national legislation and the relevant Quality Management Standards.
More specifically, our Quality and Safety Management Systems are:
• ELOT EN ISO 22000 Food Safety Management System
• ELOT EN ISO 9001 Quality Management System
• Global Standards for Food Safety BRC
• Standard for Auditing Quality and Food Safety of Food Products IFS FOOD
• AIB International Food Health and Safety System
• Food Defence System
Our DELTA Information Centre, which is operational since 2001 and staffed by scientists in the field of food products, allows us to benefit from two-directional communication with consumers and the wider market.

We care for and protect the environment
Environmental protection is a priority for DELTA, which we put into practice through integrated management systems and the help of all our employees. Our company has adopted and implements an environmental policy that applies the strictest rules, regulations and standards concerning environmental protection for all our activities, aiming at reducing their environmental imprint. We apply initiatives for reducing electricity consumption, for heat recovery, reduction of water usage, wastewater treatment (biological treatment), and reduction of emissions from product distribution through the application of telematics in the company’s trucks and transport containers, etc. In addition, we bring into practice various recycling initiatives for waste material (such as paper, plastic, metals, etc.) in our company’s plants and offices, as well as in other activities of our company, in order to minimize the toll on the natural environment. Furthermore, we are actively reducing the environmental effects of the operation of our offices by recycling paper and other packaging material and batteries, while all employees apply policies aiming to reduce printing (decreasing the usage of paper and ink) and energy consumption (shutting down electrical devices and air-conditioning units).

At DELTA, every day we strive for a safe, fair and merit-based work environment that offers opportunities for further development and improvement for all employees on an ongoing basis. Our company is committed to, and implements, modern methods for the individual development of our employees, through the provision of programmes for ongoing and systematic education and training, and by applying state-of-the-art assessment and reward systems in order to make sure that our employees will have opportunities for continuous development and for showcasing their individual skills.
We support society
A main pillar of DELTA’s strategy is our support towards society, children and the institution of family.
We show active support
It is our joy and privilege to bring various activities into effect that support society, in collaboration with accredited institutions and foundations, giving priority to children and families. In 2016 alone, more than 1.25 million portions of food were offered free of charge to cover basic dietary needs.
Brunch at school
We participated in the “Brunch at School” Programme by offering free fresh milk to 12,000 students from 70 elementary schools and kindergartens, covering the entire cost of purchase of raw materials (milk and packaging) and the cost of production and distribution of fresh milk through the refrigerated trucks of our company’s distribution network. The provision of DELTA fresh milk to students was targeted at all students at the schools participating in the programme. We have also provided fresh milk, yogurt and other products in collaboration with the following organizations:
We contribute to the education of children and young people
A right breakfast is a good way to start! By using this concept as our guide, we implement the
MORNINGLAND (“Proinochora”) programme, in order to educate pre-school children about the value of a healthy and balanced breakfast. We provide educational tours of our facilities to students of all levels. At the same time, and in the framework of supporting young scientists, we offer internships to young undergraduates in sectors relevant to their science, and we support initiatives whose aim is to provide wider vocational education and training to young people (e.g. Young Business Talents). Nevertheless, our contact with and support to young people does not end there. By collaborating with Greek universities, such as the University of Economic Sciences, the Agricultural University, the University of Piraeus, the National Technical University of Athens, etc., we respond to the needs of young people to become acquainted with the market and the operations of a Greek state-of-the-art production
We promote the value of sports
DELTA Sports Team was created so that DELTA employees themselves could become ambassadors of proper nutrition, exercise, health and wellbeing. Our team represents the company in sports events, takes part in sports activities and participates in social events.