DELTA launches the new 0% Vitaline yogurt.
DELTA enters into a strategic alliance with Danone, one of the largest companies in the worldwide industry of fresh dairy products.
Author: gadamo
DELTA makes a powerful entrance to the yogurt industry
by inaugurating a new state-of-the-art yogurt production plant in the area of Aghios Stefanos, Attica.
DELTA launches Life, the first short-life refrigerated fruit juice, and establishes a new innovative category in the industry of packaged fruit juices.
MILCAFE was launched in 1989 as the first ready-to-drink coffee beverage in Greece! Milcafe is a unique tasty combination of instant coffee and semi-skimmed milk that is still sold on the market up to this day.
DELTA launches its new fresh milk,
DELTA Light and presents
its new brand logo to the public.

DELTA pioneers
with the launch of FRESH PACK®
for DELTA Fresh Milk.
At the same time, it is the first Greek company to apply milk homogenization thereby improving significantly the final product. A new era for Fresh Milk begins!
DELTA’s print commercial
in the Greek financial magazine “INDUSTRIAL JOURNAL”.
DELTA airs its first TV commercial about DELTA fresh milk.
DELTA launches Milko.
Throughout the 80’s, more and more milk and grocery stores become small neighborhood DELTA stores.
DELTA earns 1st place in the production and sale of ice cream in Greece and continues its rising course in the milk and yogurt product categories.